This is why we're
building QikCollect


The Problem

After years in finance, we've consistently struggled with managing cash flow and maintaining visibility on collections.

Despite using multiple tools, we often resorted to Excel and emails for their simplicity. However, this approach became chaotic and inefficient, leading to missed follow-ups with crucial customers and overlooked tasks. Existing solutions from large industry giants often fail to adapt quickly to user needs.

The Solution

We're creating Qikcollect, a comprehensive tool for accounts receivable management. We're developing an CRM to help entrepreneurs gain deeper insights, streamline tedious tasks, and bridge the gap between businesses and their accountants.

Qikcollect offers intelligent task prioritization, streamlined follow-ups, AI-powered conversation summaries, and quick document attachments - allowing users to focus on the enjoyable aspects of their work.


We believe in transparency and collaboration with users. Our goal is to make Qikcollect affordable and accessible to a wide range of users - from freelancers to SMBs. Despite advanced AI features, we're committed to reasonable pricing to ensure the tool can be used by anyone who needs it.